La tomba macedone di Anfipoli (11)

Ritrovato uno scheletro pressoché integro nella terza camera del tumulo di Anfipoli-Kasta. Per le foto e i primi dettagli CLICCA QUI.  


Dal sito GREEKREPORTER: “The new discovery of a grave made of limestone allegedly containing a wooden coffin with an integral human skeleton inside the Kasta Hill tomb in Amphipolis, brings archaeologists closer to solving the mystery of the person buried in the monument.
The grave was found 1.60 meters beneath the third chamber floor. The outer dimensions are 3.23 meters by 1.56 meters and inside the grave there is a hollow part 0.54 meters wide and 2.35 meters long. It is estimated that the height of the grave was 1.80 meters. Also, the total height from bottom to ceiling is 8.90 meters.

Archaeologists have informed journalists that inside the grave there was a wooden coffin containing a whole human skeleton. The implication of the coffin derives from the fact that inside the grave there were about 20 iron and copper nails and several coffin decorations made of bone and glass.

Decorazioni in osso e vetro della cassa lignea

Decorazioni in osso e vetro della cassa lignea

Inside the grave, the human skeleton found was almost intact. The skeleton will be transferred to a laboratory for a DNA test to determine the sex and age of the dead”.


Ricostruzione grafica a cura dell’archeologo Mr Michalis Lefantzis

Rappresentazione in 3D della tomba fino ad ora portata alla luce, a cura di

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