La tomba macedone di Anfipoli (12)

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Si fermano i lavori di scavo ad Anfipoli. Così ha dichiarato oggi Lina Mendoni,  del Ministero della Cultura greco. Lo scheletro ritrovato è stato trasferito in un  laboratorio di analisi e ricerca per tentare di determinarne l’identità o per avere qualche risposta all’enigma del sepolcro di Kasta. E’ stato dichiarato che non vi sono stati altri ritrovamenti oltre a quelli già resi noti dal Ministero greco.

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Da Greekreporter:

“Professor of Orthodontics Manolis Papagrigorakis said that the DNA of the skeleton in the Amphipolis grave most likely will be found by analyzing the pulp of the tooth, according to
Papagrigorakis was the scientist in charge of the team that recreated the face of Myrtis, by analyzing ancient DNA from her teeth. Myrtis was the name given to the skeleton of an ancient Athenian 11-year-old girl who was found in a mass grave near Acropolis in 1994-1995.
“In the case of Myrtis, we followed the method of two doctors-professors at the University of Marseille. We took DNA sample from the pulp of teeth,” Papagrigorakis said to
He said that through this method, scientists will learn the sex, age, hair and eye color, and cause of death. The tests can also show if the skeleton belongs to a man injured at battle or suffered from some disease. He added that it takes about three months to come up with results.


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