Pompei 79 d.C.

FONTE: http://vulcan.fis.uniroma3.it/

FONTE: http://vulcan.fis.uniroma3.it/

Ricostruzione virtuale dell’antica Pompei (Procedural 3D reconstruction of ancient Pompeii generated with the CityEngine (based on real-world building footprint data and architectural information from archaeologists).

Vesuvio, la grande eruzione del del 79 d C (ricostruzione in 3D del Museo di Melbourne)

Pompei then and now: ricostruzione virtuale (Altair4 Multimedia Archeo3D Production)

Pompeii – Life and Death in a Roman Town (Mary Beard)

Life and Death: Pompeii and Herculaneum exhibition at the British Museum 

AD79. Sito in lingua inglese su Pompei e l’area vesuviana: distruzione e riscoperta.

La lettera di Plinio il Giovane a confronto con la ricostruzione attuale degli eventi: CLICCA QUI.

Pompeiiinpictures: a complete photographic plan of ancient Pompeii as it is today. Interactive map, buttons or links to view pictures of the excavations at Pompeii of every regio, insula, house, shop, villa, temple, baths, altar, fountain, gate, tomb or tower). In lingua inglese.


Mary Beard, Prima del fuoco. Pompei, storie di ogni giorno, Laterza, 2012

Eric Moormann, Pompeii’s Ashes. The Reception of the Cities Buried by Vesuvius in Literature, Music, and Drama, De Gruyter, 2015

Pompeii: dead and alive, beautiful and ugly, complete and broken, grand and humble, drunk and sober, pious and licentious… All of these epithets – and more – have been given to Pompeii, even the contradictory ones, often in the same texts, and by the same men and women who dedicated their writing talents to the topic of awaking the sleeping city Pompeii once was.

Pompei vive!

Pink Floyd, Live at Pompei , 1972

Immagine correlata

David Gilmour: Live at Pompei 2016

Risultati immagini per gilmour live at pompeii

I Bastille cantano Pompeii (2013) in una delle sale del British Museum

Bastille, Pompeii: cover in lingua latina (a cappella!)



Enzo Avitabile, Quann ‘o Vesuvio, 2007

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